Wednesday, March 25, 2009

incompetent. or just plain useless?

arises as i
try to search for more information
on a topic that is not set in stone yet
i haven't even started
writing the paper
i should make that plural
i need to get a grip and do it
but the escapist inside of my screams:
WAIT.are you sure?
doubt is not a presence i enjoy.

Monday, March 23, 2009

lack of time. breathing for air. dropping my cares.for the moment.

topic proposal
essay memorial
a decade of pages
thrown down into a moldy grave.

we pray for the was
because we are left
with an ample supply
of years to cry.

i watch the person lie on her back
from a distance, i am just a bystander
but as my vision focuses on the face
my heart beats faster
and i cannot wait
for the person to awaken.again.
don't leave us hanging on hope
because we want to know
if you'll be okay

we always want a resolution
to the things we don't understand
but the plan is already written
let us not doubt God's saving hand.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

my bucket list

alright. these are the things i want to do before my life is over:

1. tapdance and beatbox at the same time
2. bungee jump off of a bridge with a loved one
3. revisit europe again with a DSL and have a photography exhibition after that (it will be predominantly sepia, just a heads up)
4. fast for 30 hours to raise awareness for famine in many many countries
5. work as a translator where the need be
6. donate my hair again to someone
7. find a major besides vampire studies during the next 3 years of undergrad
8. be in a relationship with a guy

that's all i have in mind at the moment. this bucket list will most likely change as i grow older but for now, this is it.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

wow how long has it been?

current status: response paper due tomorrow. practically done. needs editing.and printing out.drinking a bottle of mocha frappuccino.should eat oranges and banana instead. will do in time.

just a quick update: i've been good. i don't want to worry you or disappoint you but i cannot guarantee very good grades at the moment. i need a better work ethic and try to manage my time more (for example, instead of typing up this blog, i should be finishing my response paper or taking a shower).


on the spiritual and the emotional level, it's been an all-time high. i'm loving Good News a capella. i love the music we're singing, the people i'm singing with, but most of all the reason behind the singing: GOD!

i am sad that two friends of mine are leaving during these two days (one is gone already actually). however, i am glad to have spent a few more moments with them this week. God has really been blessing me with the company of great people lately. i never feel alone anymore. thank God.

as i finish the last 6 weeks of freshman year, i continue to realize how much i have grown and changed from the person i was seven months ago. praise God for that.: )