Wednesday, March 18, 2009

wow how long has it been?

current status: response paper due tomorrow. practically done. needs editing.and printing out.drinking a bottle of mocha frappuccino.should eat oranges and banana instead. will do in time.

just a quick update: i've been good. i don't want to worry you or disappoint you but i cannot guarantee very good grades at the moment. i need a better work ethic and try to manage my time more (for example, instead of typing up this blog, i should be finishing my response paper or taking a shower).


on the spiritual and the emotional level, it's been an all-time high. i'm loving Good News a capella. i love the music we're singing, the people i'm singing with, but most of all the reason behind the singing: GOD!

i am sad that two friends of mine are leaving during these two days (one is gone already actually). however, i am glad to have spent a few more moments with them this week. God has really been blessing me with the company of great people lately. i never feel alone anymore. thank God.

as i finish the last 6 weeks of freshman year, i continue to realize how much i have grown and changed from the person i was seven months ago. praise God for that.: )

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