Wednesday, December 17, 2008


i'm currently awake for abbie to come and visit me one last time before my flight, which is in less than 12 hours!!!!!!i could scream with excitement right now but sleepiness and silent hours are keeping me from doing that.

"breath me"-sia performed by testimony a capella is playing on my itunes right now. i should change it due to unwanted resurfacing memories, but i'm not going to.i've made up my mind not to classify things in such an extreme manner because it is impossible to completely de-intertwine yourself from certain situations sometimes. so, in order to continue to live without the cost of regrets, i have to accept it. accepting it is not just nodding my head and saying it's all past me. accepting it means taking steps in the snow where no one has trodden on yet. it means setting, walking bravely in my own path. to HEY with the cost of regrets, mistakes, unhappiness, depression, insomnia, anger, frustration, losing, forgetfulness, carelessness, and all the other flaws i possess. to HEY with it.


going letter grades back already.still waiting for the other two.but so far.i have a 3.5 this life i lead.and even more in the One who

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