Friday, December 19, 2008

it's a beautiful home.: )

the sun is constantly wrapping it's arms around my shoulder as i sit on the bench outside of the house, talking to my mom. i breathe in the fresh summer air even though it is supposed to be winter here. it's as if i had never left, but i know something must have changed while i wasn't here. besides two bathrooms remodeled and my bookshelf shifted to the end of my bed, there is no conspicuous difference. i am relieved that the grass and trees are still going green in this part of the world - pearly white can be a little eye-piercing at times. yet, something must have changed. maybe not the house, my room, my parents, or grandparents. i get the gist that it is me who has

changed, yet stuck to her beliefs and roots,
lost, but found many others in return
embittered, but been learning to love at a distance and most of all: to forgive,
tried, but not devoid of hope.instead, it increases as the days go on.

i am genuinely thrilled and grateful to be home this Christmas. thank You for bringing me through the past four months in Ann Arbor. the journey has only begun, yet i am in need of restoration and peace. thank You for giving me just that. coming home is the best Christmas gift I have ever received.

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