I love this candid shot. kids being kids.
the mother and father. hahahahha.
One of the really baller things that happened today was when i carrying the mini mountains for the Neverland model down to the office. I realized that "with faith even as small as a mustard seed you can move mountains." it wasn't a coincidence that i happened to be "moving mountains" and witnessing good teamwork among my students during arts and crafts time. i enjoy working with them so much on my own. it gets really tiring but i wouldn't want it any other way. maybe cut out the C.C. letters and morning exercise time (yeah joyce, one of the main staff members, complained that i made them dance too much. i prepared a game of charades but i was too lazy to switch from dancing to a game so haha. it requires changing positions for the kids which takes them around a whole minute). yeah i'm getting quite annoyed at all the complaints that the staff members give me but i'll just cope with it because i'm only a T.A., not a full-time teacher.humbling down and taking orders is something i need to learn.
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