Friday, July 10, 2009

T.G.I.F. : )

5-day work week is over...for this week.: ) It's weird - I find it more difficult to deal with the teacher than the students. The Language Arts teacher doesn't have his heart in his work and it really shows. Constant complaining, swearing and making negative comments gets very irritating. It doesn't help that I have a pretty bad impression of him when I went to the second day of work training - he overslept and came in looking like he wanted to be somewhere else, far away. He hates Michigan (he spent a year studying in Grand Rapids) but I wore my Michigan shirt to work today anyway.
My favorite time of day is lunch hour and 5-5:30 (chinese hw time) because I get to spend time with the kids alone. Since I brought speakers for morning exercise today, I turned on my ipod and told them we were having a "secret party." They really enjoyed themselves; the naughtiest boy Jonathan was actually dancing to the music. Yeah I'm definitely trying to make them feel like the "cool" class since they're the oldest in the whole summer camp. Yeah, I have to keep things hyped up or else they're going to be bored out of their minds. It is their summer break - I want them to have fun as well as learn English.
There are too many funny things that happen during the week; I manage to jot down some of them in my notebook but a lot of the times I just take time to laugh and enjoy the moment. I finally understand what true "infectious laughter" is now - a child's innocence in action. Haha through my reflections on how my "like" is slowly developing into love for these kids, I wonder if this is just my "maternal" side coming out. I like to think of it as getting a greater glimpse of God's love through my role of disciplining (or babysitting). I'm starting to understand how much trouble I've put my parents through my rebelliousness and constant blabbering about nonsense (haha I mean, kids just spit out the most random stories and they don't wait for others to finish first - they just talk).

I have a piano prodigy in my class.: ) He's a cute kid called Daniel. He left the school for an hour today to compete in a piano contest and took home second place. woot woot.: ) so proud of him - piano is one of the things i gave up at the early age of 11. i hope he can persist through and master that beautiful instrument. He's the kind of boy who will hold the door for others and walk last in line, get chopsticks for me and other people who don't regularly bring chopsticks, throw the trash bag away at the end of the day, participate in every activity, laugh a lot about everything and say some of the funniest things.

there's another kid called Ian who is very smart and kind as well. he's a good kid - he's only going to be here for another week though.: | yeah i hate how my students come and go - but there are those who are always there. all the boys in my class are pretty lighthearted and energetic. they keep the classroom atmosphere upbeat and happy.

i find it a bit harder to mesh with the girls on a personal level because two of them are a bit reserved. for example, this one girl Joanne never wants to go play on the playground during recess. it's very hot on the roof but the other kids don't seem to mind as much as she does. she likes hanging around with the teachers - this is a sign that she might not have many friends her own age in the camp. so hopefully she'll learn how to play with other kids her own age - she's an only child so this might be more of a problem for her since she's not used to seeing kids in her own home.


meet Jolin: )
this cute kiddie is only going to 3rd grade but she's in the 4th grade level class. i love her to bits - she's playing Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz play at the end of july and she's a great actress. Super cute and photogenic. She's the same height as Ricky (119 cm.seriously. i'm taller than him when i'm sitting down. it's hilarious). it's the cutest thing when they play together. she's been absent for two days already - i hope she comes back on Monday haha.: )

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