Monday, January 5, 2009

redefining "home."

i'm back in ann arbor. all unpacked, settled back into my dorm room. it's 2:05 a.m. i am awake because i skipped dinner and ate my first pack of pow mien after not touching it for a month. i slept for 7 consecutive hours from 5 p.m to 11:40. classes start tomorrow so i better go sleep and get rid of this jet lag.

a friend once told me that home shouldn't be the place where you spent most of your life, where your family is, or even your favorite place in the world. when you close your eyes and reside in the presence of God, you should be home. the home we have now that we call "home" is just a temporary place we constantly look forward to being in.

i could just be telling myself this because i'm currently feeling a bit homesick (already... i know right?) i really want to enjoy life here - to really feel at ease and not constantly in a tornado of worries.

first semester was more like an earthquake, in the sense that so many things broke and changed. maybe i still need to heal from the impact. i am sick of rushing for time and feeling impatient constantly. yet, time is short and always leaving us behind when we stop to reflect back on the past. i'm praying for direction.but most of all courage and passion to follow my calling, whatever it may be.


Anonymous said...

After all this, there is only one thing to say: Have reverence for God, and obey his commands, because this is all that we were created for. ECCLESIASTES 12:13 TEV

Daniel said...

Hey, you seem really cool, what kind of church do you go to? I like the quote that paul left, I think it says a lot about who pauls is, and about who you are.

Dan :)