Tuesday, October 28, 2008

: ) 就是高興

"some say that Your love's like the mountains
or the rivers that run to the sea
but i know that Your love's so much nearer
it's in everything i see..ohhhhhh
it's in everything i see." -abbie strauffer's "college love and cheesecake"

i absolutely love love love her music. i am so blessed by God to have gotten to meet such an awesome RA in East Quad who tells me to :"end confidently."

she's one of the people i know i was meant to meet. i've always wanted to meet and befriend other songwriters, and living in this dorm has provided me with many opportunities to do so. i am so thankful and happy right now not just because of this wonderful song i've fallen in love with, but just being God's child is the best gift ever. i was literally skipping on my way to RESCOMP (yes..in the scary pipe-ceiling, green-floored basement). i just feel this un-impenetrable joy flowing out of me, so much of it that i need to share it with other people. i am finally starting to understand what it means to be in joy despite your circumstances. finally, i am taking steps forward in my walk with God.thank You.

Monday, October 27, 2008

two bruises and eyes open.

i started the day with various items falling.i end the day with a bruise on my knee from hitting my drawers two days ago, and a bruise on my elbow that i hit twice (once on the shower faucet, and another on the door knob of my closet. it was a patch of red skin for a five minutes.

i'll be fine though. i'm quite focused tonight.and i got to watch 20 minutes of "transformers" (i have yet to watch the whole movie) slant-eyed on my roommate's tv. i actually don't feel that guilty for watching her tv (at times.only when she's watching it) and not paying for the cable because i share fruit (not from the dining hall.from meijers) with her, lend her my hair straightener, and let her use my printer. i guess it evens out. she bought the internet cable and the fridge (which i should use more often).haha, nevertheless, i'm looking forward to getting an apartment next year.

clumsy.but blessed.

when i awake,
i am still with you.
-psalm 139:18-

dropping a half a banana, accidently kicking my folder, dropping my contacts solution bottle cap, and almost breaking another toilet is not going to change anything.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

escapist.must face this.

give me a guitar
it'll take me far
into a world
where truthfulness is expressed
yet it is still covered with a vagueness
of heavy-dripping diction
i cannot help but notice
that this illusion
of beauty and perfection
is still my refuge
when i am caught in the tempest.

so now, what do i make of it?

Saturday, October 25, 2008

sweating.but exhilarated nonetheless.

i just played three songs sitting on the east quad counter. i was on my way back to my room to get my psych notebook. abby was working behind the counter and she was playing guitar. she made me stop and play her a song. she had to help activate a temporary key for a girl who locked herself out so i went up to get my notebook first. she played me one of her songs first, which was absolutely amazing. her voice is sooooo beautiful! the guitar accompanied her lyrics and melody PERFECTLY. i was totally carried away in my imagination. the song was a Christian song talking about how no matter where she goes, God knows and watches after her constantly.: ) it's so beautiful.

at first, i played "some peace of mind." she really enjoyed it, so i played her "free." she made me re-do the ending three times because i kept cracking up and so my voice kept wavering. she was like: " end confidently! do it again." ahahha i should play in front of her more often because she gives me really good feedback. she told me that my music reminds her of a mix of vanessa carlton and michelle branch. i get the michelle branch part quite a lot but it was still refreshing to hear it.: ) she likes how i do riffs on the melody and with the guitar. haha.notice my blogspot name. she was talking about how she's having trouble writing songs at the moment ( " a dry well" she called it) and how it seemed impossible to have sad lyrics to an upbeat tune. then i told her that i actually wrote a song like that.i played her "and he said." man, there were so many people walking past the counter and just sitting in the lounge. thank goodness no one complained or told me to shut-up or anything.haha i'm tomato-free so i guess that's a good sign.

it was great just being able to play in front of another songwriter who is also a Christian. thank You for leading me to her, God.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

haha so fitting.

" in vain you rise early
and stay up late,
toiling for food to eat -
for he grants sleep to those he loves." -psalms 127:2-

haha i woke up early to study for my physics of music midterm, which i took this afternoon.: ) so glad it's over.no more late night studying for tonight! i have the day off tomorrow because the french oral exam is still going on. i finished mine last friday so i'm free to go to meijers.yes, time to get food and supplies. i have two papers and one exam next week.despite that, i'm still glad it's the weekend again.: )

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

a few verses for sharing.

"i lift up my eyes to the hills-
where does my help come from?
my help comes from the Lord,
the Maker of heaven and earth...

the Lord will keep you from all harm -
he will watch over your life;
the Lord will watch over your coming and going
both now and forevermore." -psalm 121: 1-2, 7-8 -

i remember one issue of Our Daily Bread using the last two lines of this Bible passage (v. 7-8) for the cover verse. the picture was of a cottage alley with houses covered with leaves and tiles that held stories of old age. i really like that picture. even after such a long time, i can still recall it and it still brings peace to me. yeah it'd be cool to submit pictures for the cover of Our Daily Bread.

Monday, October 20, 2008

the way it is.

at around 5 pm, i trekked to my sister's apartment, which is a 7-minute walk from my dorm. by the time i passed u towers, i started running because the rain started getting bigger. i quickly knocked and jerry let me in. my sister had just started cooking the delicious 魯肉飯we've been talking about for the past week. little did i know that once i started talking about life, i didn't stop until our plates were empty.

i'm really grateful that God gave me an older sister like Mello. No one will ever be able to replace her. she listened to me talk, injecting in her "words of wisdom" here and there, and just made me feel at home.it's been so long since we've been able to spend some time one-on-one. i usually see her at large group so there are always lots of people around.

one thing i realized while talking to her is that life is so unresolved. most of the time, our complications and situations don't have solutions at all, not at the time when we want them at least. i know that God has His timing in giving us the answers and all, but at times i just get very impatient. i'm still in the process of learning how to become a more patient person. it's grueling but i'm willing to let God take me through it. as long as He's guiding me, i'm not going to worry about it incessantly like i have been doing. yeah it was more than eating a good home-cooked meal with my dearest sister.

Thursday, October 16, 2008


why can't guys keep their hands to themselves? what gives them the right to "make moves" on girls who clearly aren't interested?

this is the third time i've been harassed in some way by an african american guy. i'm trying very hard not to be racist, but to this point, i'm finding it almost impossible. today in choir, the guy standing next to me brushed my hair. at first, i didn't know it was him.then he said: " your hair is very fun to play with." i smiled awkwardly, thinking he'd stop. but he didn't. he kept swishing it back and forth so i was like: "stop. please." i should have glared at him at that point, but i heard myself just quietly saying it. it was as if i had lost my own voice of reason. how can i just let these things go? i'm not trying to make a big deal out of it. it just is for me. i don't want to put up with any more harassment in the future, thank you very much. i don't deserve it and i don't think ANY girl out there does either. so just keep your hands to yourself. seriously.

Monday, October 13, 2008

going for it.

it could just be an obsession.but it is driving me to work towards it. it's my gravitational pull.i'm totally in love with the place already. i felt so inspired when i was studying there last night.can't wait till i go back again. i pass by the place almost everyday, most of the time intentionally. it still remains my favorite place on campus. i will not let this go to waste.

Saturday, October 11, 2008


a flashback of the past summer just hit me. my mom and i were on the train, riding back to hsinchu. the ticket-seller didn't correct the time and date of our pre-bought tickets, so we ended up walking back and forth through the train. during the intervals when we weren't moving, i was studying my drivers license booklet.

then i thought of how soph and i were sitting next to each other, holding our breath as the names of the four people who didn't pass were called. despite that i only got to drive 4 days (legally i mean), it was still a pleasure that i CANNOT WAIT to have again when i go back this december. if only gas prices would go down...i'd be driving from taipei to hsinchu all the time.

Friday, October 10, 2008

everyone seems to have found their niche in life. it must be so ethereal to have found your place. i'm praying that i'll be able to reach my potential and come out on the top for once without drowning.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

guacamole.don't think too much.

we used to sit in the last row of our 10A classroom. your desk didn't have the fake wooden covering so you would always draw on mine. now that i think back on it, we used to communicate a lot through the writings on the desks. too bad all those 2b-lead conversations are bleached off and gone. plus, we're continents and oceans away from our home right now. it doesn't matter anymore.

it was only the beginning few months of sophomore year, but i wasn't in a very good state of mind due to the sudden absence of a sibling to fight with at home. it was lonesome and heart-tugging. plus, it was also the first year we started taking our AP courses. supply and demand will always have a special place in my heart (despite how much i didn't like econ during that time).

one day as i was ranting to you about life ( your ear and heart are always open, i am amazed at your patience and understanding of me), you wrote the words "guacamole" in beautiful, dark cursive. then you added "don't think too much" underneath it in a smaller font. it was a variation from lion king's "hakunamatata: it means no worries for the rest of your days."

thank you for writing on my desk that day. suddenly, these words came to me today. i miss you a lot but i'll see you soon this december.until then, i'll try to stay positive and less reminiscent.

don't understand.but i want to.

i'm at peace...when i see two people strumming a banjo and a guitar outside at midnight.

i'm at peace...when i turn on my ipod and just go running outside on the sidewalk.

but i'm at complete peace...when my heart is beating furiously and i'm lying on the grass, staring up at the leaves wavering in the wind. the music is flowing through the earphones, burying deep into my soul.

yet when i come back into reality, i sink to the depths of worry.it's just not happening for me.so what do i do now?

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

i love the rain the most.when it stops.

i finished stretching, put the keys in my butt pocket, grabbed my ipod shuffle and walked out my dorm room. one look at the window kept me from walking any further. it was pouring hard, no kidding. i shut the door and pondered for a few minutes, debating whether i should risk getting sick or just walk to ccrb. i decided to take a risk and it was totally worth it.

i didn't get sick because the rain dimmed down after a minute i started running. i took the opposite route from the normal one i take. it was blissful running towards the open sky past the chabad house and back to law quad.i literally ran through all the stone paths of law quad.it's one of those impulsive moments that i'll look back on and laugh at. for some reason, i thought that running through all the paths would eventually lead me into law school. it was just a passing thought, which i hope will come true.: )

it was a really good work-out.i came back sweating more than i've ever sweated here. haha i really miss taiwan's humidity. sweating feels so good when you're alone.

Bayu really loves me.but i hate him.

BAYU has been sending me an email notification every other day or so. i have finally deleted all types of P2P programs. i guess it doesn't count as disabled until you empty out your trash and restart your computer. BAYU really ticks me off.

by the way, BAYU stands for Be Aware You're Uploading.

okay hopefully i'm safe from internet termination now.: | goodness.this just makes me want to go back to the motherland where we can download HOWEVER MUCH WE WANT without having to worry about stupid BAYU emails.

Monday, October 6, 2008

just for laughs.

today as i was walking in the hallway of 2nd cooley, i overheard these two guys talking:

"ann arbor is gotham city. we need a black knight."

i couldn't stop smiling after i heard that. i seriously love it when people use wordplay like that. not to be racist or anything, but that does fit quite well especially since today is the last day for voters to register for the upcoming election.

by the way,i just witnessed a guy getting locked out. he came into the library to ask his roommate for his key. it actually makes me feel slightly better now when i think about my record of 8 times. i don't think anyone can beat that easily. and i hope you never will.: | so careless. but i will learn.

Sunday, October 5, 2008


I have finally set up my printer after leaving it to gather dust for a month. it's a wireless printer, but i simply can't set it up properly wireless. so i thought that i had to get a usb connector to the printer. meijier's didn't have it (they told me that i needed to contact the printer company for the cord) so i thought i had to buy at staples or on amazon. however, this past month, i haven't gotten the chance to go to staples, and i'm still a bit reluctant about buying stuff on amazon (my physics textbook took 3 weeks to get here.i returned it right after it got it because it came too late).

i'm using my ethernet cable. so relieved because it took me around 5 minutes to print my papers out at RESCOMP an hour ago. that triggered me to set-up my printer ASAP because i was just so sick of waiting in line for it to print (not the mention all the time wasted just getting to RESCOMP and back). yeah. it's time to be time-efficient.i'm sleeping at 11:30 tonight. no more 3 am library sessions.

i need this.to break.

I need this old train to breakdown 
Oh, please just let me please breakdown
I need this old train to breakdown
Oh, please just let me please breakdown

I want to break on down
But I can't stop now
Let me break on down

Thursday, October 2, 2008

He does it for love.so should we.

"Because he loves me," says the Lord,
"I will rescue him;
i will protect him, for he acknowledges my name.
He will call upon me, and I will answer him;
I will be with him in trouble,
I will deliver him and honor him.
With long life will I satisfy him
and show him my salvation." - Psalms 91: 14-16-

Your love is so great.so satisfying.i cannot express it merely with words, but thank You for showing me this passage this morning. now i feel at peace again because i am once again reminded of Your ever-present love.願全部的榮耀歸給你!