Tuesday, June 16, 2009

how come it feels like I've been eighteen for the longest time?

I know my birthday is ALMOST here but it seems like I've been waiting for this day to come for a long time. I just want to pass this birthday line and keep going. Kind of like a marker in my life I feel somewhat inclined to meet. Haha. It's a strange thing to be thinking about because birthdays are usually seen just as a reason to celebrate and go out with friends. True, true that's why I've always found birthdays very important and fun but there must be something more to it that I've been missing all these years.

When I was younger, I came up with the conclusion that my birthday takes longer than everyone else's to come because it's in the middle of the year. For example, people with birthdays in December feel like they keep turning another year older because right when they pass their birthday, a new year begins again and they are reminded of how they will be...well older. Haha. It all depends on how you perceive time. So seeing that my birthday is in June, I wait half a year to turn another year older, than another half year for the rest of the year to end so I can be closer to turning...well older.

Despite that, I'm glad to have done all the things I've done this past year and await for fill into the shoes of my new age: nineteen. The idea is becoming more familiar because I constantly think about it. It seems to make the time go slower. Thus, as I am typing up this post, I am still... eighteen. Wow.

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