Wednesday, July 23, 2008

4 down, 4 more to go

i passed one more practice test. why is it taking me so long?! : | i think it's because i study 30 minutes before i go to sleep (at around 11:00-11:30) with the music on.hahah.yeah. and mel occasionally barging into my room to dry her hair or get water. so i brought my driver's license book with me today as i got some more chinese medicine patches on my back (there's about 11 or 12 of them). the fines and penalty points is so annoying.i forget them so easily.must pass this. : |

so i only have around three weeks left in taiwan this summer. hm.and i'm not doing much.just getting errands done but nothing much.i feel like i should be doing more. good thing there's something going on tomorrow and on the weekend or i else i would have basically wasted this whole week.

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