Wednesday, July 16, 2008

one thing down on my bucket list (before i go to mich)

so i finally settled the international orientation problem. I successfully registered for it over the phone tonight.: ) yay! now i have time to study for my driver's license tonight.booo.sigh i really don't like taking the practice tests. i still haven't passed any! well i only took it twice, but still! ah.must pass this.i'm starting to wonder if i just don't have the ability to driver well. i'll try.i'm trying.i'm in the process.: |

i can't seem to write in-depth entries about anything under the surface. i still need to get used to it.

i confess that i'm scared about going to college. that i'm not as ready as i thought i was. my heart is in it, but is my head ready for the academics there? i don't think so. i technically only have one month left of break (well until i jet). when i get there, i'll be going on a short family trip, and then straight off to 8-day orientation (international+residential college). haha i'm looking forward to it though.time to meet my college group of friends!: ) speaking of the family trip, we were planning on having on here in southern taiwan in the city of kao shiung this weekend. BUT, the typhoon is on it's way and should be arriving tomorrow. SO....unless if we want to spend our vacation like last year (we went to kao shiung too but it rained so hard that the only thing we could do was get an expensive massage on the top floor of the in a mall was even a problem!). yep. we were planning to go white-water rafting.looks like this trip will have to take a raincheck.

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