Friday, July 18, 2008

hilarious morning

this morning. i REALLY didn't want to get out of bed to go driving. It was raining and the sky was so grey. i just wanted to sleep in and hear that driving class had been cancelled.but the phone never i got up.: \

i was soaked before i even got onto the car. luckily, my teacher told me to get into the car as the girl before me finished parking the car. i drove in the cold air-conditioned car in my water-logged sneakers (wasn't clever enough to wear flip flops today).

the teacher offered to drop me off at the main office station after i finished driving. but the position he parked was right under the edge of the roof. so right when i opened the door, my whole back was bombarded with torrents of water. SO soaked!

after driving, i went to go take two more practice tests for the written tests. i walked into the room with my scantron and tests in hand and i saw a guy CHEATING. he had his whole book open and he was just blatantly copying on his answers onto the scantron. it was madness. i sat in the seat slanted across from his, quite close to the water that was pouring down from the ceiling in the corner. a few people came in, but he just kept cheating. as we progress a few minutes into our tests, suddenly a sound of thunder sounds, or what sounds like thunder at least. THE CEILING BROKE THROUGH! the small corner of about two-three squares just broke and a whole waterfall was pouring down onto the ground. being so close to it, i literally jumped out of my seat and walked out to the other room (the teachers' office). the rest of the ceiling was leaking water like titanic when it was sinking. it was a moment i'll never forget.

yep.i think this was the most fun day i've had in driving class so far.

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