Tuesday, September 30, 2008


i read from Psalms 88 today.

"For my soul is full of trouble" -psalms 88:3

at times, it is.recently, i have been quite troubled.

"...you have overwhelmed me with all your waves." - psalms 88:7

it's funny how i've been saying how overwhelmed i am. i really think God chose this passage for me specifically this morning.

"i call to you, O Lord, every day; i spread out my hands to you." -88:9

i'm always calling on Him. if i had a phone bill for my calls to heaven, i think it would be pretty expensive.

"But i cry to you for help. O Lord; in the morning my prayer comes before you..."-88:13

this morning, i accidently went on facebook before reading God's Word. : | i feel quite guilty but after reading these four particular verses, i feel redeemed in Him again.

i would totally put these four verses together as a short poem, just to remind myself that He is my provider, my help in times of need or peace.: | but i must not be lofty and think He was made for me. it's the other way around. God, please use me as You intended. don't let me get in the way of Your plan.

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