Monday, September 15, 2008

pick-pocketed. an almost broken toilet.

i'm starting to see the bathroom as a scary place full of trouble.i say this because, today, 11 dollars was stolen from my temporarily abandoned jeans.i'll just say that i'm grateful the person who took my bills (he/she left the nay guh, seriously) didn't take my favorite espirit jeans also. i'm looking on the bright side.

it was my fault. i got back to my room at around 3 after stopping by the post office. my roommate and her friend came in 10 seconds after i did (talk about muoh chi).i wanted to change out of my jeans into my michigan sweatpants, so i went to the bathroom and accidently left my jeans in the bathroom for around 4 hours (went downstairs to the library to study). came up at around 7, and the money was gone.

just then, i went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my cup that i just drank 擂茶 in. the toilet kept flusing continuously even after the other toilet had stopped flushing. the caucasian girl gave me a quizzical look, as if i had broken the toilet flusher on purpose. i had trouble grinning as i lowered my head and continued on with my cup-washing. it was hilarious in a quiet way.haha.i prayed (yes, i actually prayed about this) that the flushing would stop. and it did 15 seconds after the other toilet stopped. so much water wasted.seriously.: | i couln't do anything about it.

my desklight is the only light that's still on in this room.roommie is sleeping.and i should be too.4 classes today.should i just skip the sexual awareness class and go to small group? seems a bit like a waste of time (they say it's mandatory but the other halls who have had it already say that they don't even take attendance). yeah.i'll think about it haha.which eventually becomes: "no, i won't be attending."i think small group is a better investment of my time.

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