Monday, September 1, 2008

so long sweet summer...

so it ends tonight. i know this sounds dramatic, but i am pretty sad that summer is ending.
the pre-college days of summer have been quite many events on palmer field (field in front of mojo dorm) that require getting onto an inflated balloon and acting stupid (hitting each other with a long stick to get the other people off of the podium, running as far as possible while strapped onto a bounce-back harness, and climbing through a military wall-climbing course).

deciding where to eat everyday (there are only around 3 dining halls we eat at), calling each other up (even though we live in the same dorm), walking to law quad everyday and wishing i lived there (except that i'm not a graduate student studying law), and just playing silly games together.

ah i'll miss it once school starts. which is tomorrow! my first class is a writing course.ergh.originally, i didn't even want to take was actually a "recommended" course. ergh. at least it's at 10.: ) well i hope i get through the first day.and the rest of the days that follow. and i hope i get into the clubs i'm interested in. i'm thinking about joining tap dancing (tap dancing in modern style. they're called "rhthym dancers" i think). but most definitely a capella.alright.class tomorrow. blog later.

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