Sunday, August 31, 2008

more than that

when you read a good piece of writing, it will stick in your mind for years to come. never doubt that it won't. it will, for sure.

so as i listen to augustana sing "i've found my place..." inside, i'm hoping i will soon be able to sing that. the pressure of studying abroad, especially at one of the most expensive public schools in the country, is overwhelming everytime i stop in my steps and think about it. i became more aware of it after spending time around my malaysian friends because most of them are on scholarships. the pressure of finance, the declining economy and the inflation of prices (esp. oil.what's up witht that...), is almost enough to hinder me from enjoying my time here.

like every other human being who has ever had the chance to exist on this earth long enough to develop an ambition in life, i want to find my place in this world. this isn't just about getting what i want and not caring about it afterwards. it's about making a difference in the lives around me, so my life won't have been wasted.

God, i place my trust in You.

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