Sunday, August 17, 2008

8:39 AM

waiting to go to church. jerry is picking us up soon.then to the mall to get me a cell phone.more like add a line under mel's t-mobile account.every place has it's "better" cell phone brand.and for michigan, it's t-mobile. then probably get some lovely california roll for lunch: ))))) haha.okay that's one thing i'm looking forward too.i'll probably try to buy a thicker jacket that i can wear here. this morning, my family and i were walking outside of the felt like we were in an air-conditioned room.around 22 degrees celcius.haha it's cold here in the morning and night. pretty sunny during the day though.

i think i'll go read my book until we go.not much to do at the moment.oh yeah, the medley race for women and men was so exciting to watch. phelps was amazing (as always)! and dara torrez was super super fast.she was almost going to catch up with australia but it was a bit of was a good match nonetheless.: )

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