Thursday, August 7, 2008

Happy Father's Day! 88節快樂!

it's taiwan's father's day today: ) we celebrated last night for my dad because we'll be going to sanshia, my grandparent's place, tonight for tomorrow's lunch with the relatives. i gave my dad a golf-related popup card that my mom bought on their trip in vegas. i personalized it: ) i think he liked it quite a lot.

going shopping with my sister later while my mom goes and gets a foot massage. time for sticker pictures! yay i'm using up my coupons as quickly as i can. still so many though!

good news for me: my macbook is back from repairment. my hard-drive crashed last week so i had to go get a new one put it. i can't believe that it was probably because i downloaded "juno" and "the tracey fragments." only TWO movies! ahhh i have learned my lesson. THANK GOD that i saved my song files (as in the ones i recorded on garage band). i am currently re-downloading all my music back to my computer since i didn't save those in time. massive music downloading for the next few days.

i just realized how shallow and simple my blogs are.i should have more depth than this.still can't bring myself to go too deep on an online blog.

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