Sunday, August 3, 2008

The good thing about blogs and journals is that you can write absolutely anything you want. But is it worth writing? Or reading for that matter? Before I get carried away with my nonsensical questions, I'll stop. And pause. And think before I speak.

Whenever I fail to do that, I get into a huge fight with my family. It's insane, unecessary, and hurtful. I know, i know, i know. this. But i can't stop my tongue from spewing out venomous words dripping with Satan's slime. I know it's coming from the worst side of me and I have the protection and defense i need to go against it, yet i let it drag me along. I hate myself for letting it happen. for letting down my guard. for being. an unforgivable sinner. that Satan likes me to think. But i know better. I believe in a better being. I believe in God, the maker and creator of heaven and earth. If that's not great enough, i don't know WHAT is. So God, i ask you once again, please take me back again in Your arms and equip me again so i can stand up for the fight. You did not give me a spirit of timidiy, but of courage and self-discipline. Let me live out a worthy life for You. Amen.

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