Monday, August 25, 2008

tomorrow 8:40

i'm actually choosing my classes tomorrow. today was just RC orientation.nonetheless, i have a better idea on what i want to take this semester. so far i have french, physics of music (have to take a natural science, it sounds pretty interesting), an english seminar on psychologists and philosophers (for some reason, i'm becoming quite taken with philosophy lately), and probably a calc class (for b-school next year if i get in). i'm really hoping by the end of the second year, i'll be able to travel abroad to france and actually be able to speak the language to a certain proficiency. that'd be a dream come true. i love travelling to new places, but i think being able to communicate with the local people there is even a bigger plus.

today at orientation before introducing ourselves (there were around 19 of us international students), aisyah was like: "go.sing.this is your chance."
me: " way.are you kidding me?"
aisyah: "just do it."
me: "'s alright."
aisyah: "see.that's why you aren't famous yet."
me: "why are you so....honest."

she has a point haha. i should be prepared to show people my talent when they ask of it. this has always been a very ambivalent subject for me. yeah, i write songs.yes, i love to sing, harmonize with others, IMPROVISE. i enjoy performing on stage or just for a small crowd of people, and even one person. it's something i really love doing, but is it something i want to take to the next level? lately, i've been watching some clips of teenage celebrities who came out when they were around 16. i can't lie: i am a little envious of their fame, their lives of opportunity. it's all out there for them and it's all happening. but then i see clips of them getting bombared by the paparazzi, and i think again: is it worth it?

i enjoy alone time. sometimes, i prefer it over hanging out with a huge group of people i don't know very well. i like the safe, the familiar. but at times, i like to do something bold and risky. like all people, i like success over failure. but that doesn't mean that i'm going to give something i'm passionate about up that easily.

now i hear my mom's voice saying: "opportunity comes to those who are prepared." guess i better be prepared all the time.: )

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