Tuesday, August 5, 2008

one more day of class

today at driving, the teacher told me that tomorrow is the last day of practice.i'm not too worried about passing, it's just that i have to bring myself to study the test questions. haha i'm such a summer bum. i totally don't study any school realted books and delve into novels and movies. that's me.

the very last goodbye dinner is tomorrow night.

i just got back from a run around the neighborhood. i'm going to miss watching most of the houses in the alley getting refurnished for weeks, the beautiful sky, the view from the slope of lakeshore hotel and all the roads we drive on, and that greyhound that always barks at me and attempts to jump over the fence and bite me ( i make faces at it). for some reason, i tend to look at nature more closely when i'm sweaty and breathing hard. i just feel more intrigued, inspired, impassioned by it. i guess God really intended humans to go outside and enjoy nature. too bad we don't do it often enough.at least i don't. i shall run everyday until i go to michigan, and continue. i think i really got more and more lazy as i grew older. WHY? okay i must become motivated once again.

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