Thursday, September 25, 2008

morning music

"the walk" by imogen heap makes me want to dance.: ) i randomly made up two dance moves after listening to it.yep.

drinking a cup of oatmeal right now.throat was so sore this morning from a whole night of not drinking's a bit better now.hopefully i can get well before the weekend haha.i want to enjoy my free time.: )i still will even if i'm still long as i don't get worse, it's fine with me.

so i finally finished my 5-page paper on how nietzsche's principles apply to modern life. it was definitely a killer. i stayed up till 3 am for the past three nights writing it.i ended up going to angel hall 3 times yesterday to get my paper edited (once was for class.the other two times were for editing.

i have to read my physics of music textbook so i'll be able to get more than half of the questions in class right today.seriously.i'm really enjoying the class, but i'm not doing super well.haha.hopefully i'll pull through this semester with an okay GPA.

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