Saturday, August 23, 2008


I met my roommate today! her name is alexis cook, as you probably know already from an ealier blog post. she's really nice! she treated me to dinner at chili's was pretty fun driving in her 16-year old van out of campus. haha it's awesome to ride in someone else's car, in my opinion, but even better to drive your own.but since i don't have a car or a license in michigan at the moment, riding in other people's cars (buses included) will have to suffice.

best news ever since i got to michigan: ALEXIS HAS A GUITAR!!!we carried it in today before we went out to eat.i was metaphorically emanating joy and gratitude when she mentioned that she had a guitar in the van. : )))) looks like i'll be able to continue writing songs while i'm here. so i guess i won't have to bring my guitar here this year afterall.: ) so happy.

haha not like i'm putting the guitar over my friends. there are three people from china who helped alexis and me to move my roommate's bed down from the bunk. i'm really glad we got the room on the corner (as in, the last one down the cooley house hall 2nd floor). it's a bit bigger than the other rooms.: ) sweet.

so despite that i was a bit worried about being in east quad (rumor has it that the people here are more eccentric and individualistic) because it was co-ed and whatnot. turns out that God had it already planned out for me. i knew and still know that God always has a plan for me, but i didn't trust Him enough to provide me such a wonderful living area. i am truly grateful.

1 comment:

Michellious said...

hey hey girl. : ) haha seems like He made you and guitars inseparable. XD you're destined to be surrounded by music i tell you. : )

glad that you're fitting in perfectly there! sounds like you're having fun already! : ) i'm happy for ya kiddo. ^^ *hugs*

love love love! i miss you already.
